Should your real estate agent be a real estate professional?
A seemingly logical question might be, aren’t all real estate licensees professionals? One would hope so, but how does one distinguish this? A dictionary definition would likely say that professionals of any stripe are those that make a living in a particular trade. In that sense, any licensee actually working in the trade could be considered a professional. But can you afford to leave it at that?
By a more critical standard, real estate professionals are those that truly commit themselves to their trade. Not only do they strive to make a living out of the trade, they spend extra effort ensuring competency in the work they do. They find themselves among a fellowship of like-minded people that take exceptional pride in their work. And there are plenty of statistics available that indicate that REALTOR® are far more productive, better servants.
How Do I Know?
So for a consumer to determine if their prospective agent is a professional, they might begin by asking if the agent is a REALTOR®. These agents are licensed tradesmen that have committed to serve and be bound under a professional code of ethics. Agents that do not choose to be REALTOR®, choose not to be bound by those high ideals.
Maybe that’s the question to ask.
Why is an agent not a REALTOR®? It’s a fair question, and one that consumers might want to ask.
Just remember that not all real estate agents are REALTORs®, and there is a difference. So ask the question. Are you a REALTOR®? And if you suspect a devious answer, asks to see a membership card. There really is such a thing.
We at Strom Thurman Realty Partners are all REALTORs®
Contact us today. We would love the opportunity to serve you.